4,818 research outputs found

    Seasonal decline in breeding performance of the Kelp Gull Larus dominicanus

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    The effects of timing of breeding on reproductive parameters of Kelp Gulls Larus dominicanus were studied in Patagonia, Argentina, during 1998 and 1999. Yearly and spatial variation in the study were assessed by sampling nests during two field seasons and in different areas within the colony, and accounted for variation with respect to breeding synchrony and breeding density. In both years and in three study areas, individuals laying earlier had higher hatching success, a larger number of chicks fledged, heavier chicks at one month and higher breeding success. Significant variation between study areas within the colony and between years was observed only for breeding success and number of chicks fledged. No effects of breeding synchrony on breeding parameters were detected. Timing of breeding, independent of study year and area, had no effect on either clutch size or egg size. Our results document for the first time the seasonal decline in breeding performance in the Kelp Gull, a species widely distributed in the southern hemisphere.Fil: Garcia Borboroglu, Jorge Pablo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Nacional Patagónico; ArgentinaFil: Yorio, Pablo Martin. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Nacional Patagónico; ArgentinaFil: Moreno, Juan. Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas; EspañaFil: Potti Sánchez, Jaime. Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas; Españ

    Apuntes al estudio del dragón como elemento festivo en Oriente y Occidente : China y España

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    Los dragones son animales mitológicos que aparecen tanto en las culturas orientales, como en las Occidentales; sin embargo, mientras que en Oriente son considerados unos animales benefactores y por lo tanto deben ser cuidados, en Occidente simbolizan el mal y por ello deben ser combatidos. El dragón ha sido representado en ambas culturas y su figura se ha mantenido con el paso de los años, llegando a ser un elemento imprescindible en muchas celebraciones civiles y religiosas. En la actualidad es un componente festivo, popular y en expansión.Els dracs són animals mitologics que apareixen tant a les cultures Orientals, com a les Occidentals. Però, mentres que a l'Orient són considerats uns animals benèfics i per tant cal tindre cura d'ells, a l'Occident simbolitzen el mal i per això cal combatrel's. El drac ha estat representat a les dues cultures i la seva figura se ha mantés al llarg del temps, arribant a ser un element imprescindible en moltes celolebracions. En l'actualitat és un component festiu, popular i en expansió.Dragons are mythological animals that appear in Eastern and Western cultures. However, in the East these animals are considered beneficent and consequently they must be protected, whereas in the West they are identified with evil and therefore they must be fought. Dragons have been represented in both cultures and their figure has remained throughout the time, arriving to be an essential element in many celebrations. Nowadays it is a festive component, popular and in expansion

    Dos notas a Quinto de Esmirna

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    Una selección de las fuentes históricas, arqueológicas, epigráfi cas y escritas ha sido analizada en un intento de explicar el contexto de Quinto de Esmirna en dos notas. Una primera nota sobre el supuesto pasaje biográfi co de Quinto (“QS” 12.308-313), en comparación con este material, revela que Quinto se refi ere a los límites reales del “conuentus” de Esmirna y los monumentos incluidos en él. Una segunda nota trata sobre la infl uencia del entorno cultural de la Esmirna romana y sus instituciones, como el “Asclepeion”, el “Mimnermeion” y el “Homereion”, con especial interés en su poblada y cosmopolita escuela de retórica y en el terremoto del año 178 d.C., que destruyó toda Esmirna.A selection of the historical, archaeological, epigraphical and written sources available has been analyzed in an attempt to explain the context of Quintus of Smyrna in two notes. A fi rst note on the supposed Quintus’ biographical text (“QS” 12.308-313), in comparison with all this material, shows that Quintus is referring to the boundaries of the “conuentus” of Roman Smyrna and the monuments included in it. A second note focuses on the infl uence of the cultural background of Roman Smyrna and institutions, as the “Asclepeion”, the “Mimnermeion” and the “Homereion”, with especial concern on the overcrowded and cosmopolite school of Rhetoric and on the earthquake of 178 A.D. that destroyed all Smyrna

    El juego del mahjong en Occidente. Notas para el análisis de su evolución histórica: el caso de Valencia

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    El mahjong es un juego de mesa de origen chino cuya expansión por occidente se produce en los años 20. Aunque su juego fue una moda pasajera, que desapareció con la Guerra Civil, en las ciudades de Valencia y Barcelona se siguió jugando durante gran parte del siglo XX, y tuvo un periodo de gran auge durante las décadas de los 50 y de los 60, para caer progresivamente en el olvido, debido a causas intrínsecas al propio juego y causas extrínsecas como la expansión de la TV en los años 60 y los videojuegos en los 80. El presente trabajo analiza la evolución de la práctica del juego del mahjong en la ciudad de Valencia a partir de los testimonios orales que se conservan.El mahjong és un joc de taula d'origen xinés, que es va difondre per occident als anys 20. Encara que va ser una moda passagera, que va desaparéixer amb la Guerra Civil, en algunes ciutats com València i Barcelona es va jugar durant gran part del segle XX, i va tindre un periode d'esplendor a les dècades dels 50 i 60, per a caure progressivament en l'oblit, bé per causes intrínseques al propi joc, o bé per causes externes como són l'expansió de la TV als anys 60 i dels videojocs als 80. El present treball analitza l'evolució de la pràctica del joc del mahjong a la ciutat de València, a partir dels testimonis orals que encara es conserven.The game of mahjong is a Chinese social game whose expansion by the West takes place in 20's. Although his game was fashion fleeting, that disappeared with the Spanish Civil War, in some cities as in Valencia and Barcelona it were continued playing during great part of century XX, and rich a popularitymaxim during the decades of the 50's and the 60's. They popularity fall progressively, for internals causes to the own game and other externals causes like expansión the spanish TV in 60's and videogames in 80's. The present work analyzes the evolution of the practice of the mahjonggame in the city of Valencia, from the oral testimonies that are conserved

    Argumentación, discurso periodístico y reportaje interpretativo

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    El fenómeno de la argumentación es abordado en este estudio desde una perspectiva que fusiona la lingüística, la retórica y el periodismo en el análisis del reportaje interpretativo. Los fundamentos lingüísticos están basados principalmente en las teorías de J.C. Anscombre, O. Ducrot, V. Lo Cascio, J. Moeschler y A. Reboul, y J. Portolés; mientras que los retóricos o filosóficos se sostienen en los trabajos de Aristóteles, L. Santamaría y M. J. Casals, y C. Perelman y Olbrechts–Tyteca. El corpusestá conformado por dos reportajes publicados en los diarios El País y El Nacional y la metodología obedece a los postulados del análisis del discurso. Los resultados revelan la aplicación de las categorías argumentativas con usos marcadamente comunicativos, orientados hacia la aprehensión del problema objeto del reportaje, así como una clara tendencia a incluir en estructuras parentéticas aquellos datos que incrementan la fuerza argumentativa del enunciado y orientan las conclusiones más pertinentes para la defensa de la tesis inicial.In this work the argumentation phenomenon is investigated. This study is based on a combining perspective of the Linguistic, Rhetoric and Journalism from the interpretative newspaper report analysis point of view. The linguistic fundamentals have been development in accordance with J.C. Anscombre, O. Ducrot, V. Lo Cascio, J. Moeschler y A. Reboul, and J. Portoles.; while rhetoric or philosophic fundamentals have been evolve according to Aristoteles, L. Santamaría y M. J. Casals, and C. Perelman and Olbrechts–Tyteca. Two newspaper reports ( El País and El Nacional) were used as corpusand the discourse analysis theories was employed as methodology. From the results obtained there is a straight forward evidence of the argumentative categories application with communicative intention. These uses are designed to apprehension of the subject newspaper report. It was observed a tendency to include data into parenthetic structures that potential the enunciated argumentative force

    A Market-Based Environmental Policy Experiment in Chile

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    Despite the increasing interest in the use of emissions trading for pollution control, empirical evidence reduces to a few experiences in the US. This paper studies the “"emission-offsets trading program”" established since 1992 to control particulate in Santiago-Chile. While the program is doing well from an environmental perspective, thanks, in part, to the price-based introduction of natural gas, the market is poorly performing because of high transaction costs, uncertainty and low enforcement. However, the scarcity rents created by the allocation of grandfathered emission rights to incumbents have proved very effective for the completion of the emissions inventory.

    Electro-orientation and electrorotation of metal nanowires

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    The physical mechanisms responsible for the electrical orientation and electrical rotation of metal nanowires suspended in an electrolyte as a function of frequency of the applied ac electric field are examined theoretically and experimentally. The alignment of a nanowire in an ac field with a fixed direction is called electro-orientation. The induced constant rotation of a nanowire in a rotating electric field is called electrorotation. In both situations, the applied electric field interacts with the induced charge in the electrical double layer at the metal-electrolyte interface, causing rotation due to the torque on the induced dipole, and also from induced-charge electro-osmotic flow around the particle. First, we describe the dipole theory that describes electro-orientation and electrorotation of perfectly polarizable metal rods. Second, based on a slender approximation, an analytical theory that describes induced-charge electro-orientation and electrorotation of metal nanowires is provided. Finally, experimental measurements of the electro-orientation and electrorotation of metal nanowires are presented and compared with theory, providing a comprehensive study of the relative importance between induced-dipole rotation and induced-charge electro-osmotic rotation

    Luciano de Samósata y la política griega del s. II d.C. (A propósito del Encomio de la Patria)

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    The article will consider the Encomium to be from Lucian (with all his style patterns such as parody, double meaning, etc.) and an ironic patchwork of literary quotations and formulae drawn from honorary inscriptions and decrees, as a device to unmask the real socio-cultural background of the φιλόπατρις, in contrast to a civic ideal modelled on Plato’s Crito.El artículo atribuye el Encomio a Luciano (con todos sus rasgos de estilo, como la parodia, juegos de palabras, etc.) y lo considera una combinación de citas literarias y fórmulas extraídas de inscripciones honoríficas y decretos, para revelar el verdadero trasfondo socio-cultural del φιλόπατρις, en contraste con un ideal cívico basado en el Critón de Platón